Solr client for node.js

A solr client for indexing, adding, deleting,committing and searching documents within an Apache Solr installation (version>=3.2).

Latest Update from Github


Load dependencies


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var http = require('http'),
   https = require('https'),
   Query = require('./query'),
   Collection = require('./collection'),
   querystring = require('querystring'),
   format = require('./utils/format'),
   SolrError = require('./error/solr-error'),
   JSONStream = require('JSONStream'),
   duplexer = require('duplexer'),
   request = require('request'),
   JSONbig = require('json-bigint'),
   versionUtils = require('./utils/version');

Expose createClient().


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exports.createClient = createClient;

Create an instance of Client


@param{ String | Object }[host='']- IP address or host address of the Solr server
@param{ Number | String }[port='8983']- port of the Solr server
@param{ String }[core='']- name of the Solr core requested
@param{ String }[path='/solr']- root path of all requests
@param{ http.Agent }[agent]- HTTP Agent which is used for pooling sockets used in HTTP(s) client requests
@param{ Boolean }[secure=false]- if true HTTPS will be used instead of HTTP
@param{ Boolean }[bigint=false]- if true JSONbig serializer/deserializer will be used instead
@param{ solrVersion }['3.2','4.0', '5.0', '5.1'], check lib/utils/version.js for full reference
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function createClient(host, port, core, path, agent, secure, bigint, solrVersion){
  var options = (typeof host === 'object') ? host : {
      host : host,
      port : port,
      core : core,
      path : path,
      agent : agent,
      secure : secure,
      bigint : bigint,
      solrVersion: solrVersion
  return new Client(options);

Solr client


@param{ Object }options- set of options used to request the Solr server
@param{ String } IP address or host address of the Solr server
@param{ Number | String }options.port- port of the Solr server
@param{ String }options.core- name of the Solr core requested
@param{ String }options.path- root path of all requests
@param{ http.Agent }[options.agent]- HTTP Agent which is used for pooling sockets used in HTTP(s) client requests
@param{ Boolean }[]- if true HTTPS will be used instead of HTTP
@param{ Boolean }[options.bigint=false]- if true JSONbig serializer/deserializer will be used instead
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function Client(options){
   this.options = {
      host : || '',
      port : options.port || '8983',
      core : options.core || '',
      path : options.path || '/solr',
      agent : options.agent,
      secure : || false,
      bigint : options.bigint || false,
      get_max_request_entity_size: options.get_max_request_entity_size || false,
      solrVersion: options.solrVersion || versionUtils.Solr3_2

   // Default paths of all request handlers
   this.UPDATE_JSON_HANDLER = (versionUtils.version(this.options.solrVersion) >= versionUtils.Solr4_0) ? 'update' : 'update/json';
   this.UPDATE_HANDLER = 'update';
   this.SELECT_HANDLER = 'select';
   this.COLLECTIONS_HANDLER = 'admin/collections';
   this.ADMIN_PING_HANDLER = 'admin/ping';
   this.REAL_TIME_GET_HANDLER = 'get';
   this.SPELL_HANDLER = 'spell';

Create credential using the basic access authentication method


@param{ String }username
@param{ String }password
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Client.prototype.basicAuth = function(username,password){
   var self = this;
   this.options.authorization = 'Basic ' + new Buffer(username + ':' + password).toString('base64');
   return self;

Remove authorization header


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Client.prototype.unauth = function(){
   var self = this;
   delete this.options.authorization;
   return self;

Add a document or a list of documents


@param{ Object | Array }doc- document or list of documents to add into the Solr database
@param{ Object }[options]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.add = function(docs,options,callback){
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};
   docs = format.dateISOify(docs); // format `Date` object into string understable for Solr as a date.
   docs = Array.isArray(docs) ? docs : [docs];
   return this.update(docs,options,callback);

Get a document by id or a list of documents by ids using the Real-time-get feature in SOLR4 (


@param{ String | Array }ids- id or list of ids that identify the documents to get
@param{ Query | Object | String }[query]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.realTimeGet = function(ids, query, callback){
   if(typeof query === 'function'){
      callback = query;
      query = {};
   ids = Array.isArray(ids) ? ids : [ids];
   query.ids = ids.join(',');

   return this.get(this.REAL_TIME_GET_HANDLER,query,callback);

Add the remote resource located at the given path options.path into the Solr database.


@param{ Object }options-
@param{ String }options.path- path of the file. HTTP URL, the full path or a path relative to the CWD of the running solr server must be used.
@param{ String }[options.format='xml']- format of the resource. XML, CSV or JSON formats must be used.
@param{ String }[options.contentType='text/plain;charset=utf-8']- content type of the resource
@param{ Object }[options.parameters]- set of extras parameters pass along in the query.
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.addRemoteResource = function(options,callback){
   options.parameters = options.parameters || {};
   options.format = (options.format === 'xml' ? '' : options.format || ''); // reason: the default route of the XmlUpdateRequestHandle is /update and not /update/xml.
   options.parameters.commit = (options.parameters.commit === undefined ? false : options.parameters.commit);
   options.parameters['stream.contentType'] = options.contentType || 'text/plain;charset=utf-8';
      options.parameters['stream.url'] = options.path;
      options.parameters['stream.file'] = options.path;

   var handler = this.UPDATE_HANDLER + '/' + options.format.toLowerCase();
   var query = querystring.stringify(options.parameters);
   return this.get(handler,query,callback);

Create a writable/readable Stream to add documents into the Solr database


@param{ Object }[options]-
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Client.prototype.createAddStream = function(options){
   var path = [this.options.path,this.options.core, this.UPDATE_JSON_HANDLER + '?' + querystring.stringify(options) +'&wt=json']
         return element;
   var headers = {
      'content-type' : 'application/json',
      'charset' : 'utf-8'
      headers['authorization'] = this.options.authorization;
   var protocol = ? 'https' : 'http';
   var optionsRequest = {
      url : protocol + '://' + +':' + this.options.port + path ,
      method : 'POST',
      headers : headers
   var jsonStreamStringify = JSONStream.stringify();
   var postRequest = request(optionsRequest);
   return duplexer(jsonStreamStringify,postRequest);

Commit last added and removed documents, that means your documents are now indexed.


@param{ Object }options
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.commit = function(options,callback){
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};
   var data = {
      commit : options || {}
   return this.update(data,callback);

Call Lucene's IndexWriter.prepareCommit, the changes won't be visible in the index.


@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.prepareCommit = function(callback){
   return this.update({},{ prepareCommit : true},callback);

Soft commit all changes


@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.softCommit = function(callback){
   return this.update({},{ softCommit : true},callback);

Delete documents based on the given field and text.


@param{ String }field
@param{ String }text
@param{ Object }[options]
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.delete = function(field,text,options,callback) {
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};
   text = format.dateISOify(text);
   var data = {
      'delete' :  {
         query : field +  ':'  + format.escapeSpecialChars(text)
   return this.update(data,options,callback);

Delete a range of documents based on the given field, start and stop arguments.


@param{ String }field
@param{ String | Date }start
@param{ String | Date }stop
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.deleteByRange = function(field,start,stop,options,callback){
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};
   start = format.dateISOify(start);
   stop = format.dateISOify(stop);

   var query = field + ':[' + start + ' TO ' + stop + ']';
   return this.deleteByQuery(query,options,callback);

Delete the document with the given id


@param{ String | Number }id- id of the document you want to delete
@param{ Object }[options]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.deleteByID = function(id,options,callback){
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};
   var data = {
      'delete' : {
         id : id
   return this.update(data,options,callback);

Delete documents matching the given query


@param{ String }query-
@param{ Object }[options]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.deleteByQuery = function(query,options,callback){
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};
   var data = {
      'delete' : {
         query : query
   return this.update(data,options,callback);

Delete all documents


@param{ Object }[options]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.deleteAll = function(options,callback){
   return this.deleteByQuery('*:*',options,callback);

Optimize the index


@param{ Object }options-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.optimize = function(options,callback){
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};
   var data = {
      optimize : options || {}
   return this.update(data,callback);

Rollback all add/delete commands made since the last commit.


@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.rollback = function(callback){
   var data = {
      rollback : {}
   return this.update(data,callback);

Send an update command to the Solr server with the given data stringified in the body.


@param{ Object }data- data sent to the Solr server
@param{ Object }[options]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.update = function(data,options,callback){
   if(typeof(options) === 'function'){
      callback = options;
      options = {};

   var json = pickJSON(this.options.bigint).stringify(data);
   var fullPath = [this.options.path,this.options.core, this.UPDATE_JSON_HANDLER + '?' + querystring.stringify(options) +'&wt=json']
                                 return element;

   var params = {
      host :,
      port : this.options.port,
      fullPath : fullPath,
      json : json,
      secure :,
      bigint : this.options.bigint,
      authorization : this.options.authorization,
      agent : this.options.agent
   return postJSON(params,callback);

Search documents matching the query

@param{ Query | Object | String }query
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
Hide Source = function(query,callback){
   return this.get(this.SELECT_HANDLER, query, callback);

Execute an Admin Collections task on collection


@param{ Query | Object | String }collection
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.executeCollection = function(collection,callback){
   return this.get(this.COLLECTIONS_HANDLER, collection, callback);

Search for all documents


@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.searchAll = function(callback){
   return'q=*', callback);

Search documents matching the query


@param{ Query | Object | String }query
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized

Spellcheck is also enabled.

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Client.prototype.spell = function(query,callback){
   return this.get(this.SPELL_HANDLER, query, callback);

Send an arbitrary HTTP GET request to Solr on the specified handler (as Solr like to call it i.e path)


@param{ String }handler
@param{ Query | Object | String }[query]
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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Client.prototype.get = function(handler,query,callback){

   var parameters = '';
   if(typeof query === 'function'){
      callback = query;
   }else if((query instanceof Query) || (query instanceof Collection)){
      parameters +=;
   }else if(typeof query === 'object'){
      parameters += querystring.stringify(query);
   }else if(typeof query === 'string'){
      parameters += query;
   var pathArray;

   if(handler != 'admin/collections'){
      pathArray = [this.options.path,this.options.core,handler + '?' + parameters + '&wt=json'];
   } else {
      pathArray = [this.options.path,handler + '?' + parameters + '&wt=json'];

   var fullPath = pathArray.filter(function(element){
                 return element;

   var approxUrlLength = 10 + Buffer.byteLength( + (this.options.port+"").length + Buffer.byteLength(fullPath); // Buffer (10) accounts for protocol and special characters like ://, port colon, and initial slash etc

   if (this.options.get_max_request_entity_size === false || approxUrlLength <= this.options.get_max_request_entity_size) {
      var params = {
         port: this.options.port,
         fullPath: fullPath,
         bigint: this.options.bigint,
         authorization: this.options.authorization,
         agent: this.options.agent
      return getJSON(params, callback);
   } else {

      // Funnel this through a POST because it's too large
      return, query, callback);

Send an arbitrary HTTP POST request to Solr on the specified handler (as Solr like to call it i.e path)

@param{ String }handler
@param{ Query | Object | String }[query]
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
Hide Source = function(handler,query,callback){

   var parameters = '';
   if(typeof query === 'function'){
      callback = query;
   }else if(query instanceof Query){
      parameters +=;
   }else if(typeof query === 'object'){
      parameters += querystring.stringify(query);
   }else if(typeof query === 'string'){
      parameters += query;

   var pathArray;

   if(handler != 'admin/collections'){
      pathArray = [this.options.path,this.options.core,handler + '?' + parameters + '&wt=json'];
   } else {
      pathArray = [this.options.path,handler + '?' + parameters + '&wt=json'];

   var fullPath = pathArray.filter(function(element){
                 return element;

   var params = {
      host :,
      port : this.options.port,
      fullPath : fullPath,
      params : parameters,
      secure :,
      bigint : this.options.bigint,
      authorization : this.options.authorization,
      agent : this.options.agent
   return postForm(params,callback);

Create an instance of Query


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Client.prototype.query = function(){
   return new Query(this.options);

Create an instance of Query NOTE: This method will be deprecated in the v0.6 release. Please use Client.query() instead.


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Client.prototype.createQuery = function(){
   return new Query(this.options);

Create an instance of Collection


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Client.prototype.collection = function(){
   return new Collection();

Expose format.escapeSpecialChars from Client.escapeSpecialChars


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Client.prototype.escapeSpecialChars = format.escapeSpecialChars;

Ping the Solr server

@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
Hide Source = function(callback){
   return this.get(this.ADMIN_PING_HANDLER, callback);

Pick appropriate protocol based on the given secure flag


@param{ Boolean }secure-
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function pickProtocol(secure){
   return secure ? https : http;

Pick appropriate JSON serializer/deserializer library based on the given bigint flag


@param{ Boolean }bigint- whenever to handle big number correctly or not (the reason for not using JSONbig all the times is it has an important performance cost)
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function pickJSON(bigint){
   return bigint ? JSONbig : JSON;

HTTP POST request. Send update commands to the Solr server (commit, add, delete, optimize)


@param{ Object }params
@param{ String } IP address or host address of the Solr server
@param{ Number | String }params.port- port of the Solr server
@param{ String }params.core- name of the Solr core requested
@param{ String }params.authorization- value of the authorization header
@param{ String }params.fullPath- full path of the request
@param{ String }params.json-
@param{ Boolean }
@param{ Boolean }params.bigint-
@param{ http.Agent }[params.agent]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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function postJSON(params,callback){
   var headers = {
      'content-type' : 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
      'content-length':  Buffer.byteLength(params.json),
      'accept' : 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      headers['authorization'] = params.authorization;
   var options = {
      host :,
      port : params.port,
      method : 'POST',
      headers : headers,
      path : params.fullPath

   if(params.agent !== undefined){
      options.agent = params.agent;

   var request = pickProtocol(;

   request.on('response', handleJSONResponse(request, params.bigint, callback));

   request.on('error',function onError(err){
      if (callback) callback(err,null);


   return request;

HTTP POST request. Send update commands to the Solr server using form encoding (e.g. search)


@param{ Object }params
@param{ String } IP address or host address of the Solr server
@param{ Number | String }params.port- port of the Solr server
@param{ String }params.core- name of the Solr core requested
@param{ String }params.authorization- value of the authorization header
@param{ String }params.fullPath- full path of the request
@param{ String }params.params- form params
@param{ Boolean }
@param{ Boolean }params.bigint-
@param{ http.Agent }[params.agent]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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function postForm(params,callback){
   var headers = {
      'content-type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
      'content-length':  Buffer.byteLength(params.params),
      'accept' : 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      headers['authorization'] = params.authorization;
   var options = {
      host :,
      port : params.port,
      method : 'POST',
      headers : headers,
      path : params.fullPath

   if(params.agent !== undefined){
      options.agent = params.agent;

   var request = pickProtocol(;

   request.on('response', handleJSONResponse(request, params.bigint, callback));

   request.on('error',function onError(err){
      if (callback) callback(err,null);


   return request;

HTTP GET request. Send a query command to the Solr server (query)


@param{ Object }params
@param{ String } IP address or host address of the Solr server
@param{ Number | String }params.port- port of the Solr server
@param{ String }params.core- name of the Solr core requested
@param{ String }params.authorization- value of the authorization header
@param{ String }params.fullPath- full path of the request, contains query parameters
@param{ Boolean }
@param{ Boolean }params.bigint-
@param{ http.Agent }[params.agent]-
@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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function getJSON(params,callback){
   var headers = {
      'accept' : 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
   var options = {
      host :,
      port : params.port,
      path : params.fullPath,
      headers : headers

   if(params.agent !== undefined){
      options.agent = params.agent;

      var headers = {
         'authorization' : params.authorization
      options.headers = headers;

   var request = pickProtocol(;

   request.on('response', handleJSONResponse(request, params.bigint, callback));

      if (callback) callback(err,null);
   return request;

Handle HTTP JSON response from Solr


@param{ Function }callback(err,obj)- a function executed when the Solr server responds or an error occurs
@param{ Error }callback().err
@param{ Object }callback().obj- JSON response sent by the Solr server deserialized
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function handleJSONResponse(request, bigint, callback){
   return function onJSONResponse(response){
      var text = '';
      var err = null;
      var data = null;

      // This properly handles multi-byte characters

         text += chunk;

         if(response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode > 299){
            err = new SolrError(request,response,text);
            if(callback)  callback(err,null);
               data = pickJSON(bigint).parse(text);
               err = error;
               if(callback)  callback(err,data);